ZEISS Volutome

ZEISS Volutome 內置式連續切面掃描式電子顯微鏡用超薄切片機

對生物樣本的超微結構進行3D成像,樣本已嵌入樹脂,並覆蓋了大面積。ZEISS Volutome 是一個解決方案,包括硬體和軟體,包括圖像處理、分割和可視化。超薄切片機可以輕鬆替換為傳統的SEM台架,將您的3D FE-SEM轉換為標準的多功能FE-SEM,使您的系統能夠適應多用途環境。

  • 自動切割、影像擷取和預處理
  • 生物樣本的卓越3D成像
  • 從硬體到軟體的完整ZEISS解決方案


See ZEISS Volutome in Action


連續區塊表面成像需要在長時間內保持穩定的擷取條件。ZEISS Volutome 允許高度自動化且無人值守的切割和成像。切割週期被加快,使用專用檢測器 ZEISS Volume BSD 加速影像擷取。在影像擷取期間,影像同時進行預計算以進行拼接和z-stack對齊,這意味著結果只需一個點擊即可輕鬆獲得。

Mouse brain tissue acquired with ZEISS Volutome and ZEISS GeminiSEM; pixel size: 3 nm. Sample courtesy of Christel Genoud, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


樹脂嵌入樣本在成像方面具有挑戰性。通常,需要使用較高的加速電壓才能獲得高質量的、對比度良好的影像,但這可能會損壞敏感的樣本。以低kV進行成像可以確保樣本的完整性,但會產生對比度較低的影像。ZEISS Volume BSD 是專為ZEISS Volutome特別設計的新型高速、高敏感度檢測器,即使在低kV下也能確保高對比度的影像。結合Focal Charge Compensation技術,充電敏感的樣本可以通過在區塊表面進行電中和來輕鬆成像。

Caption: Mouse brain tissue acquired with ZEISS Volutome and ZEISS GeminiSEM; pixel size: 3 nm. Sample courtesy of Christel Genoud, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

3D reconstruction of mouse brain neurons. Sample courtesy of Christel Genoud, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

唯一解決方案 - 唯一媒介


提供從硬體到軟體的完整集成連續區塊解決方案,ZEISS Volutome非常適合那些希望簡化設備供應商數量的用戶。無論您對超薄切片機、檢測器、FE-SEM,甚至應用有任何疑問,可以放心,ZEISS是您的媒介。

Caption: 3D reconstruction of mouse brain neurons. Sample courtesy of Christel Genoud, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

ZEISS Volutome 的硬體設備

ZEISS Volutome的硬體組件協同工作,從樣本對齊和刀具接近到影像擷取,以實現簡化的工作流程。

  • Image of Volutome open chamber


    使用Volutome,您可以輕鬆將您的ZEISS Sigma或ZEISS Gemini SEM轉變為連續區塊表面成像系統。

  • ZEISS Volutome accessories: Stemi 305 sample adjustment stand and holder



  • ZEISS Volutome product photo: Illumination for sample to knife adjustment



  • Image of ZEISS Volutome controller

    ZEISS 控制器


  • Image of ZEISS Volume BSD


    ZEISS Volume BSD是專為連續區塊表面成像而優化的檢測器,特別增強了在低加速電壓和高掃描速度下的成像性能。

ZEISS Focal Charge Compensation 技術

消除 Charging Effects (電荷聚積效應)

Arabidopsis thaliana imaged without Focal CC (left) and with Focal CC (right). Without Focal CC, the image is deteriorated by charging effects. Sample courtesy of Prof. S.C. Zeeman, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Arabidopsis thaliana imaged without Focal CC (left) and with Focal CC (right). Without Focal CC, the image is deteriorated by charging effects. Sample courtesy of Prof. S.C. Zeeman, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Arabidopsis thaliana imaged without Focal CC (left) and with Focal CC (right). Without Focal CC, the image is deteriorated by charging effects. Sample courtesy of Prof. S.C. Zeeman, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.



ZEISS Focal Charge Compensation消除了樣本電荷聚積效應問題。一個氣體噴射系統精確地位於樣本上方。當室內保持高真空時,氮氣直接導向塊面表面。這樣可以消除電荷聚積並確保高品質的圖像。針在切割過程中會自動縮回,因此工作流程不中斷,並保持高的採集速率。

Illustration of ZEISS Focal Charge Compensation - 1



Illustration of ZEISS Focal Charge Compensation - 2


透過Focal CC針,氮氣被施加到樣本上,形成一個位於樣本表面上方的局部氣雲。來自樣本表面的主要電子和反向散射電子將氮氣分子電離。

Illustration of ZEISS Focal Charge Compensation - 3



Illustration shows the principle of tiling and stitching for large area imaging.
Illustration shows the principle of tiling and stitching for large area imaging.

Illustration shows the principle of tiling and stitching for large area imaging.

Illustration shows the principle of tiling and stitching for large area imaging.



ZEISS Volutome提供了強大的解決方案。超薄切割機台減少了漂移效應,使長時間內進行大容量成像成為可能。您可以通過以高達32k×32k像素解析獲取單一2D圖像來訪問這些大容量圖像。


From Image Acquisition to 3D Results
From Image Acquisition to 3D Results


ZEISS 連續切面成像軟體

ZEISS軟體將各個Volutome硬體組件結合在一起,使連續切面工作流程變得流暢且易於使用。切割操作以及成像過程都由ZEISS ZEN核心控制。ZEN核心工作臺提供直觀的結構,用於控制設置、樣本至刀具的進近以及切割和圖像獲取的參數。

一旦數據收集完成並應用了拼接和z軸對齊的預計算,結果可以使用ZEISS arivis Pro進行視覺化和處理。

使用ZEISS arivis產品系列的軟體,您可以進行標記、分割和分析數據,從圖像中獲取最多的信息,將您的結果提升一步。

工作中的 ZEISS Volutome


Mouse brain tissue processed, segmented, and visualized with ZEISS arivis (red: blood vessel, cyan: nuclei, blue: neurons). Sample courtesy of Christel Genoud, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland


神經科學家繼續追求對神經元連接和訊號傳遞途徑的更好理解。連續切面成像是用於成像和追蹤長而細的突起,例如樹突和軸突的神經元的合適解決方案。ZEISS Volutome能夠以高解析在三個維度上獲取大型馬賽克圖像。可以切割厚度僅為25奈米,像素尺寸僅為3奈米的切片,以精確追蹤樹突和軸突在長距離上的分佈情況。

3D 老鼠腦組織重建

  • Pixel size: 6 nm
  • Cutting thickness: 25 nm
  • Dimensions: 43 µm × 43 µm × 45 µm (1800 sections)
  • EHT: 1.2 kV / Ip: 90 pA
  • Dwell time: 0.8 and 1.6 µs, respectively
  • Acquired with ZEISS GeminiSEM 460
Genetically modified stem cells cut and imaged with ZEISS Volutome in a ZEISS GeminiSEM 460 to investigate morphological changes. Various cellular components, such as mitochondria or nuclei can be easily identified and analyzed. Cellular components were annotated, segmented, and visualized with ZEISS arivis.
Genetically modified stem cells cut and imaged with ZEISS Volutome in a ZEISS GeminiSEM 460 to investigate morphological changes. Various cellular components, such as mitochondria or nuclei can be easily identified and analyzed. Cellular components were annotated, segmented, and visualized with ZEISS arivis.

Sample courtesy of Alexandra Graff-Meyer and Marc Buehler, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland

Sample courtesy of Alexandra Graff-Meyer and Marc Buehler, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland


高解析率成像對於可視化細胞和細胞組分的超微結構至關重要。具有大面積裸露樹脂的樣本特別容易產生電荷聚集。Focal Charge Compensation可避免電荷聚積效應並提供高品質的圖像。ZEISS Volume BSD的靈敏度允許進行低kV成像,而不會犧牲圖像對比度或獲取時間。在這些條件下,可以識別各種細胞組分,如粒線體、高基體,甚至囊泡。


  • Pixel size: 10 nm
  • Cutting thickness: 30 nm
  • Dimensions: 51 µm × 51 µm x 15 µm (~550 sections)
  • EHT: 1.5 kV / Ip: 100 pA
  • Dwell time: 2.8 µs
  • Acquired with ZEISS GeminiSEM 460
Arabidopsis thaliana leaf prepared according to the protocol developed by NCMIR. Sample Courtesy of Prof S. C. Zeeman, ETH Zürich, Switzerland


植物科學涉及了解微觀關係,受到乾旱、氣候變化、污染和遺傳因素的影響。這些因素轉化為植物的健康和疾病狀態,影響了作物產量、食品生產,最終影響了人類的福祉。由於植物的解剖結構,如細胞壁和液泡,因此成像植物樣本可能具有挑戰性。對於連續切面成像,生物樣本必須嵌入樹脂中。低kV、高速成像使用Volume BSD以及使用 Focal Charge Compensation 可以實現高對比度的植物成像,而無需妥協。

Arabidopsis thaliana 葉子

  • Pixel size: 6 nm
  • Cutting thickness: 40 nm
  • Dimensions: 36 µm × 36 µm × 16 µm (400 sections)
  • EHT: 1.5 kV / Ip: 110 pA
  • Dwell time: 1 µs
  • Acquired with ZEISS GeminiSEM 460
3D ultrastructure of a mouse skeletal muscle prepared according to the Hua sample preparation protocol (Hua et al., 2015, Nat. Comm). Sample courtesy of the Experimental Neurology Unit, University of Milano-Bicocca, Monza, Italy
3D ultrastructure of a mouse skeletal muscle prepared according to the Hua sample preparation protocol (Hua et al., 2015, Nat. Comm). Sample courtesy of the Experimental Neurology Unit, University of Milano-Bicocca, Monza, Italy
3D ultrastructure of a mouse skeletal muscle prepared according to the Hua sample preparation protocol (Hua et al., 2015, Nat. Comm). Sample courtesy of the Experimental Neurology Unit, University of Milano-Bicocca, Monza, Italy




  • Pixel size: 3 nm
  • Cutting thickness: 100 nm
  • Dimensions: 18 μm × 15 μm × 25 μm (250 sections)
  • EHT: 2 kV / Aperture: 20 μm, high current
  • Dwell time: 1 µs
  • Acquired with ZEISS GeminiSEM 360



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