An important factor in modern integrated circuit (IC) packaging is to understand the microstructures of circuit components and devices. To meet the market demand for faster, more powerful and portable devices, 3D architectures in modern electronics are becoming increasingly complex due to continuous downscaling and miniaturization. Microfabrication processes require interconnecting elements, such as bumps, pillars and TSVs, to be well-structured and positioned in functional circuitry. Accordingly, the development of more suitable microscopic analysis methods is required to validate new process workflows. ZEISS 3D X-ray microscopy has emerged as a structural analysis solution for the superior contrast and high resolution over large working distances, which enable structural characterization without the need to destroy specimens.
The new FA workflow: identify the approximate region of interest (ROI) with a low-resolution non-destructive technique. Use ZEISS Xradia Versa to zoom in on ROI within a package to produce submicron resolution images for deep visualization and failure classification. Perform progressive testing and additional experiments, re-imaging non-destructively. For the final step, mechanical cross-sectioning via FIB-SEM saves a significant amount of time since XRM data provides detailed structural information prior to doing so.